About CRC...
Christ Reformed Church is one that loves Biblical liturgical worship, seeks genuine community, focuses on discipleship, and looks to partner with other Biblical Churches in Central Maine. We believe that families should worship God together, where even little children praise Him together with their families in the sanctuary.
Every Sunday at 10 A.M we worship the Triune God of Scripture, and every first Lord's Day of the month we feast together at a fellowship meal after the service.

What To Expect?
Every Church has a story, Christ Reformed Church is a welcoming community of believers who come together to worship and serve in the name of Jesus. Founded over twenty years ago, our church has established a strong foundation of Reformed Theology, which guides our understanding of God's Word and His redeeming love for us. We are dedicated to covenant renewal and encourage each member of our congregation to live according to God's principles. We place a high value on creating deep and meaningful relationships with each other and in serving our local community.
Christ reformed Church is a congregation in the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC), the Bucer Presbytery.
“The manner in which doctrine is embodied, communicated, lived, and sung is not neutral. Style equals form, and form matters. In other words, the form or manner in which we approach God in worship is not something indifferent (adiaphora). The way we pray and how we worship is inexorably related to who we are, to whom we are praying, and what we believe about the One we engage in prayer and praise.”
― Jeffrey J. Meyers.

Finding Reform at Every Turn
​“The manner in which doctrine is embodied, communicated, lived, and sung is not neutral. Style equals form, and form matters. In other words, the form or manner in which we approach God in worship is not something indifferent (adiaphora). The way we pray and how we worship is inexorably related to who we are, to whom we are praying, and what we believe about the One we engage in prayer and praise.”― Jeffrey J. Meyers.